The big game seasons may be done, but that doesn’t mean we have to shut down our 2017-18 hunting. Between now and when spring gobblers officially call in a new hunting year, most states still have opportunities on the books, maybe more than you thought.
If you’re too busy to spend an afternoon chasing bushytails, you’re simply too busy. Here are five reasons why you should invest more time in the squirrel woods.
Browning's X-Bolt Max Varmint/Target rifle features a composite Max stock with a height-adjustable comb, LOP spacers, vertical pistol grip, muzzle brake, stainless bull barrel with fluting, extended bolt handle and a Picatinny fore-end rail.
If competition for big game like whitetails and elk has you questioning the sanity of arising early, just walk away from it … and into the uncomplicated life of hunting small game.
Mike Roux takes his readers through the ins and outs of the most popular modern rimfire ammunition, and how it applies to small-game and squirrel hunting.