
Textron Specialized Vehicles Outlines the Future with Arctic Cat

Arctic Cat, which was acquired last month by Textron Inc., will soon see its brand name changed to "Textron Off Road" in regards to side-by-sides and ATVs, per an announcement Textron made earlier this week at a select gathering of employees and dealer in Fort Worth, Texas.

It's Official: Dogs Are Smarter Than Cats

An Oxford University study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences settles an age-old argument: Dogs are indeed smarter than cats.

Woman Rescues Cat—Realizes Too Late It's a Bobcat

We've previously discussed the negative impact that house cats can have on upland birds and other critters. Wild felines such as bobcats, on the other hand, are a naturally occurring part of the environment. They are not the same animal, as a Maine woman found out the hard way.

Arizona May Ban Big-Cat Hunting

Arizona hunters may no longer be able to take mountain lions or bobcats, as SB 1182, a bill drafted by Arizona State Sen. Steve Farley (D-Tucson), seeks to end the hunting of the big cats. Backed by a fine of no less than $8,000, and potentially much more, the bill, if passed, would make mountain lions and bobcats a “protected” species.

Textron Inc. Announces Acquisition of Arctic Cat

Textron Inc. has announced that it has completed the acquisition of Arctic Cat Inc. by means of a short-form merger under Minnesota law. As a result, Arctic Cat has become an indirect wholly owed subsidiary of Textron.

Large Mountain Lion Spotted Outside Dallas

In a sight unusual for the northern parts of the Lone Star State, a large mountain lion was spotted outside Dallas in recent weeks.

ABC: Coyotes Have Taste For House Cats

I've never been a big fan of coyotes, but new info released by the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) may change my tune: Apparently they eat a lot of cats.

Self-Avowed Prepper

Getting ready for mountain lion.


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