In only the fifth fatal wild hog attack documented in the United States since 1825, a caretaker was exsanguinated by a pack of feral hogs mere feet from the front door of her destination.
A growing nuisance in 45 states, feral pigs have established an increasing presence in the wine country of California’s northern Sonoma County. And just like nearly everywhere else, they are a problem there, too.
Ever wonder where and how to best hunt javelina? Contributor Aram von Benedikt brings to bear vast experience from countless hours spent in pursuit of the wily pigs, offering some tips and tricks to consider for your next javie hunt.
For a novice hunter, what could be better than the prospect of filling a cooler with wild pork? How about a nighttime hog hunt using thermal riflescopes?
As America’s top conservationists, we recognize that few species need to be managed more than the wild pig. This non-native, invasive animal matures at 6 months of age, reproduces at alarming rates, has no natural predators, eats almost anything and thrives in any habitat.