
New Trijicon AccuPower Goes Deer Hunting

Many shooters have been wondering how the new AccuPowers would compare with the company’s established AccuPoint scopes. Can the new kid measure up? To see firsthand, John Zent joined company VP Sales and Marketing Chuck Wahr and Driftwood Media’s Eddie Stevenson for what might sound like a contrived substitute for a “real” deer hunt.

Ohio Police Officers Save Bucks from Cistern

Bucks can turn up in the most darnedest place during the rut—but it's not often that you see something like this.

Review: GAIM Virtual Reality Shooting Simulator

Ever want to improve your hunting and shooting skills when you can't quite make it to the range or field? Check out the GAIM unit from Aimpoint. In this thorough review, contributor Brad Fenson breaks down this unit's features and intricacies.


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