From The Cookbook: Wild Game Chili

Nothing is more appropriate for a heavy winter meal to help you hibernate than a good chili. Make sure to wear your comfiest stretchy pants when eating this recipe from the NRA Member's Wild Game Cookbook, Second Edition.

From the Cookbook: Drunk Duck or Goose

The NRA Member's Wild Game Cookbook, Second Edition is a collection of common and unique wild-game recipes alike. Give this one a try!

Last Stop Before Vegas

American Hunter Senior Editor Karen Mehall is preparing to depart for the Safari Club International's Annual Hunters' Convention.

The Editors Have Landed

Karen Mehall is on the floor at SCI's 42nd Hunters' Convention.


The SCI Show is also a time when American Hunter Editor-in-Chief Scott Olmsted can spend quality time with many of the folks who contribute to the success of the magazine each month.

American Rifleman's Circulation Now Among Magazines' Top 25

American Rifleman now has a circulation that ranks it among the nation's Top 25 magazines, according to the Alliance for Audited Media, which tracks magazine circulation.

From the Cookbook: Venison Swiss Steak Dinner

In the mood for steak dinner? Check out the NRA Member's Wild Game Cookbook, Second Edition, for this venison variant.

Member's Hunt: Blind Squirrels

NRA Member Tom Moore of Eatonville, Wash., has a message for all the hunters out there who have felt down on their luck in this story of deer hunting success.

From the Cookbook: Venison with Cheese and Tomato Sauce

A saucy recipe from the NRA Member's Wild Game Cookbook, Second Edition, loaded up with cheese and tomatoes.

Connections Make the Job Easier

Connections via my job at the NRA make life easier, even when it's reporting about the status of the African lion.

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