
African NGO Stands with NRA to Fight Animal Rights Extremism

As American hunters fight animal rights extremism on the home front, halfway across the world South Africa’s True Green Alliance is doing its part to save the future of hunting and wildlife conservation.

Anti-Hunters Pushing Trophy Import Bans in NJ and Surrounding States

As animal rights groups lobby for "Cecil’s Laws" in several northeastern states, here is the status of such bills, which only derail African wildlife conservation efforts and punish American hunters.

Dispelling the Myth about No Hunting on National Parks

Many hunters believe that hunting is banned on all national parks, but the truth is, many parks specifically permit it.

Attention Hunters: Vote Online Now to Protect Hunting, Then Tune in for Live ‘Hunters Conserve Wildlife’ Debate Against Noted Anti-Hunting Extremists in NYC on May 4

American hunters know their role in wildlife conservation is not up for debate—except on May 4 as two prominent hunting community reps take the stage against two fanatical anti-hunting extremists.

Hunters May Soon Get Grizzly Bear Tags in the Greater Yellowstone Area

Earlier this month, the USFWS announced that after 41 years of Endangered Species Act protection, the grizzly bear population in the Greater Yellowstone Area has recovered, prompting it to delist the iconic species and turn over its management to the states.

South African Blog Post Urges Nation’s Hunting Community to Put Its Best Foot Forward Through Social Media

A member of the South African hunting community issues a wake-up call explaining the way to beat the antis at their own social media game is to take control--and take advantage--of today's online social media tools.

Hi-Tech Stalking: Anti-Hunters Remain on Attack Through Facebook

Anti-hunters continue issuing fake Facebook "friend" requests to access hunters' accounts and then pressure Facebook to remove hunting pics on the grounds they are violent.

Anti-Hunters Fail in Attempt to Ban Hunting in New Zealand Says Country’s Professional Hunting Guides Association

Though a 2015 law passed in New Zealand now defines animals as "sentient beings," hunting remains a lawful activity.

Namibia Crushes Anti-Hunters By Banning All Hunting Bans

Namibia understands where hunters’ dollars go as it welcomes hunters with open arms.

Miley Cyrus Launches Vulgar Social Media Attacks on Hunters, Somehow Ties Her Hatred to Donald Trump

The controversial pop star viciously attacks well-known hunters Kendall Jones and Rebecca Francis while equating the practice of hunting to playing God and interfering with "destiny."

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