
Where's the Bull?

Even in the very best elk country, locating a bull to hunt can be time consuming and downright frustrating.

How to Speak Elk

The bottom line for elk calling is to be flexible—if what you’re doing isn’t working, try something else.

Five Questions To Answer Before Deer Season

In less than five days every hardcore Maryland archer will be in his stand when the sun breaks the skyline.

When African Animals Attack

No other hunting destination on earth sees as many fatalities and injuries as Africa. Read the details of some of the Dark Continent's most vicious encounters.

What Pressured Bucks Do

GPS tracking collars are revealing how bucks change their patterns when the hunting season starts.

Georgia Pellegrini's Mouthwatering Venison Recipe

Georgia Pellegrini is a different kind of hunter. She's a tasteful, stylish food artisan with a bit of gritty, shotgun-toting gal mixed in. It's a combo that's hard to ignore.

The Coyote Caller’s Playbook

Here the author offers up tips on how to lure in predators that have learned prey-in-distress calls are too good to be true.

A Beagle I’ll Never Forget

Every young hunter should have a dog to lead him into the wild, but Barney did much more than that.

Bushnell Fusion 1600 Arc 10X42

Bushnell’s Fusion 1600 ARC binocular adds two functions to a laser rangefinder: a ballistics program and an inclinometer.

Elephant on the Galana

An elephant license and 50 miles along the Galana River to hunt Kenya’s famed elephant country were pretty special back in 1970.

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