The Humane Society of the United States: It's Not About Puppies & Kittens

The name makes it sound like this organization cares about animals—particularly unwanted pets—but its actions are dangerous to hunters, and consumers everywhere.

Humane Society of the United States Propped up by Handful of Sugar Daddies

Anti-hunters collect funds from a handful of deep-pocketed donors.

HSUS Attempts to Drive Hunters, Shooters from Public Lands

NRA and other conservation organizations call for Interior Department to reject lead-ammo ban petition; Hornady urges hunters and shooters to take action.

Ohio City Ignores HSUS, Bans Feeding Feral Cats

Faced with an increasingly large population of feral cats, the city council of Sylvania, Ohio, has voted unanimously to ban feeding them.

Michigan Passes Scientific Fish & Wildlife Conservation Act

Earlier this month, a bipartisan majority in the Michigan House of Representatives passed the citizen-initiated Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, a victory for hunters in the Wolverine State.

Will Banning Some Bear Hunting Methods Help Maine's Bears?

The Humane Society of the United States is working to ban the use of bait, dogs and traps for bear hunting in Maine via voter referendum. Jeff Johnston explains why such a move would actually hurt the state's bear population far more than it would help it.

HSUS' Lawsuit to Silence Maine Wildlife Professionals Dismissed

Superior court judge trounces Humane Society for trying to muzzle wildlife experts and put an end to bear hunting.

NRA Fights Litany of State-and-Local-Level Ivory-Ban Proposals

NRA roundup cites multiple states, Washington, D.C., and the HSUS.

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum National Symposium Showcases Political Action in Defense of Hunting's Future

Promoting a broader awareness of NRA’s activities on behalf of hunters, the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum (HLF) National Symposium in Fairfax, Va., Nov. 3-5, addressed the evolving hunting demographic and the critical cultural challenges facing hunting and wildlife conservation in the 21st century.

Beware of Predatory Charities' Holiday Scams

As we enjoy the season of giving, charities seem to come out of the woodwork. But with predatory charities such as the Humane Society of the United States also in the mix, be sure to research any organization before you give.

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