
Could We Replace Deer Hunting?

Are deer just another game species, or would their disappearance destroy hunting as we know it? Two studies reveal how much emphasis hunters place on deer, and what would happen if deer hunting ceased to exist.

Deer in the Long Grass

Pockets of plum hold prairie mule deer and whitetails—a few little ones. For more bucks and big antlers, look in the grass.

How Coyotes Affect Deer Herds

Deer managers and hunters are still learning how to deal with coyotes for the good of deer herds and ecosystems.

A Midsummer Deer Hunt

Want to hunt deer in July? To hunt deer with a suppressor? To see bucks come bombing in to squeals made from a beech leaf? Here's a hunt in England that's tough to beat.

Five Great Deer Rifles

The deer rifle remains the quintessential tool of the American deer hunter. Close your eyes and think about deer hunters and you’ll picture a figure cloaked in camo, with a bright orange hat and a rifle slung over his or her shoulder. Here are five rifles—a few classics, a few destined to be—that will serve their owners well when the time comes to take the venison from the field to the fridge.

Determining Deer Age

With an understanding of how molars wear from year to year and some practice, hunters can reliably estimate the age of their deer.

Deer Trust Their Ears

While large, multi-directional ears are formidable tools in a whitetail's bag of tricks, new studies are providing insight into the range, complexity—and limits—of deer hearing.

Rabid Deer Found in North Carolina

Biologists confirm a rare case of rabies in a deceased whitetail deer in North Carolina.

Must-Have Deer Gear for 2018

Here's the gear you'll need before hitting the deer woods this season.

Can Cougars Control Eastern Deer?

Should mountain lions be reintroduced to control expanding deer populations in the East?

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