
Hardware: Bergara B-14 Wilderness Terrain

The B-14 Wilderness Terrain is an extremely accurate rifle that is built to withstand the ruggedness of the backcountry.

The Bergara and the Ibex Ram

Traveling abroad can be a daunting experience. Add in the complexities of traveling for a hunt, and the adventure can sometimes seem more trouble than it's worth. Our author took the chance anyway, and was rewarded in Spain with not only an incredible hunt, but a firsthand reminder that despite cultural barriers, hunters everywhere speak the same language: stalk, shoot, eat, enjoy, repeat.

Bergara Rifles Now Available in 7mm PRC

Bergara has announced the addition of 7mm PRC to select rifle models. This new caliber offering is available for all Wilderness Series models—including carbon-barrel variants—and the B-14 Squared Crest.


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