
Dispelling the Myth about No Hunting on National Parks

Many hunters believe that hunting is banned on all national parks, but the truth is, many parks specifically permit it.

Australia Pushes Trophy Hunting for Crocs

In the name of wildlife management, Australia is considering crocodile trophy hunting to make its national parks safer for humans.

Trump Administration Grants Gold Star Families and Military Veterans Free Entrance to Public Lands

Today, U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt announced that Gold Star Families and U.S. military veterans will be granted free access to national parks, wildlife refuges and other Federal lands managed by the Department of the Interior.

132-Year-Old Winchester Rifle Found in Great Basin National Park

Here's a Throwback Thursday for you: The National Parks Service announced yesterday that a team of archaeologists conducting surveys in Nevada's Great Basin National Park last November discovered a 132-year-old Winchester rifle.

Great American Outdoors Act Signed Into Law

In a historic move, President Donald Trump has signed the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) into law today.

Botswana Removes Hunting Ban

On May 23, after a five-year ban, the Botswana government officially lifted the country’s indefinite moratorium on hunting put in place by former Botswana President Ian Khama in 2014.

Zimbabwe Lifts Suspension on Hunting Lion, Leopard and Elephant

In an official release on August 10, Zimbabwe lifted its suspension of lion, leopard and elephant hunting.

Outdoor Opportunities Abound During COVID-19 Outbreak

With social distancing being the norm of the day, cabin fever is bound to set in. Several states have taken steps to encourage outdoor activities to help ward off these ill effects, namely waiving various fees and requirements associated with outdoor activities.

Federal Report Says Hunter Volunteers Are Ideal ‘Citizen Wildlife Managers’ For National Park Game-Culling Operations

A new report issued by the National Park Service lauds American hunters over paid sharpshooters as valuable resources for keeping game populations on NPS lands in check.

Interior Secretary Bernhardt Establishes GAOA Task Force

Today, August 12, 2020, United States Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhard has established the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) Coordination and Implementation Task Force, to implement the Department of the Interior’s portion of the GAOA.

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