
Top 5 Scents for Deer

When used appropriately, scents can be an effective way to attract a whitetail or, at the very least, stop them long enough for you to take a shot—but which ones really do the trick?

Must-Have Whitetail Accessories for 2015

Attract the right kind of attention this season.

Must-Have Deer Gear for 2015

Here's the gear you'll need before heading into the deer woods this season.

Synthetic Deer Urine?

The surge in popularity of bowhunting brought the use of deer based scents to the forefront. We now have a multi-million dollar industry based on deer pee. Over 60 companies produce and sell deer urine and gland based attractants in one form or another. Unfortunately, everything is not rosy in the world of cervid secretions.

Start Pups Right

Ron Spomer shares a few tips that will put any puppy on a path to a long, successful and injury-free career in the field.

A Pair to Draw 2

At the end of every rainbow there is said to be a pot of gold. Sometimes, that pot holds a pair of bang-bang bull elk.

The Facts About Public-Land Elk

Sure, whitetails hide like rabbits when hunting pressure gets heavy, but they say when you bump elk they’ll walk right over the mountaintop. The thing is new studies show that to be true, but not necessarily.

To Pee, or Not to Pee?

Does human urine really spook deer? The Bullshooters decided to find out.

Tips for Hunting Eastern Coyotes in Winter

If you're looking for an off-season winter adventure, these tips will help you locate and shoot an Eastern coyote.

Making Sense of Scents

Using scent is common during the rut. Many of my buddies swear by various forms of doe-in-estrous scents and would probably be more comfortable on stand if they forgot their rangefinder than their favorite scent.

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