
From the Cookbook: Venison Fried Rice

Delicious though it may be, wild game doesn't always have to be the centerpiece of a meal. Put it on the side with this venison fried rice recipe.

From the Cookbook: Venison Salami

Perfect for venison, elk or antelope, this salami recipe will keep people coming back to your table.

Quail Kebabs

A summer favorite and easy to cook on the grill, kebabs open the door for variety. Next time around, try them with quail.

Video: Fried Mallard Sandwiches

There's a chance that somehow, somewhere there's a duck hunter who doesn't eat sandwiches. I know, it's hard to believe given that sandwich eating is practically part of waterfowling culture. However, our fraternity is of substantial size; it's bound to have a few weirdos.

Recipe: Whiskey Peach Rabbit

If you've got any rabbits, game birds or even chicken available, this latest recipe from Georgia Pellegrini is a can't-miss.

Recipe FAILS: Grapefruit Pheasant & Mallard Pizza

With wild-game concoctions by Georgia Pellegrini, your fellow NRA members and even a few dishes I've spotted, AmericanHunter.org is chock-full of good recipes. However, are all these cooking successes and the pretty photos accompanying them very realistic?

From the Cookbook: Barbecued Moose Ribs

Few things look as appetizing on a plate as ribs, and they make for great finger foods during Sunday afternoons in the fall. Ready to try making them with moose?

Chicago-Style Venison Sandwich

Want to give one of the Windy City's famous sandwiches a wild-game kick? Try this recipe from Georgia Pellegrini.

Five Regional Wild Game Dishes

Recipes and cooking styles differ throughout the United States, and wild game isn't an exception. Here are five regional dishes you can infuse with game meat.

Stuffed Quail

The holidays are almost upon us. Looking for a festive new dish? Bring a this stuffed quail recipe to the table.

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