
First Light: Hunters for the Hungry

Did you know there are 13.7 million hunters in the United States alone, according the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation? Did you know that in 2015, 43.1 million Americans lived in poverty (13.5 percent of the U.S. population), and 42.2 million Americans lived in food-insecure households? The NRA’s solution? Start an initiative to assist in providing food to the needy by capitalizing on the millions of active hunters we have here in the United States.

NRA Files Suit to Keep Public Lands Open

The NRA-ILA has partnered with SCI, Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation, and RMEF and filed motions to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the USFWS decision to expand hunting and fishing opportunities.

Fast Fact on the Walrus

Get a look at one of the more unique sights from SCI.

Record Number of Mexican Wolf Pups Released

A record 22 captive-born Mexican wolf pups were placed in wild dens to be raised in the wild by surrogate parents after another successful cross-foster season.

King Eider Painting Wins 2014 Junior Duck Stamp Contest

Is it just Kyle Wintersteen's imagination, or has the Junior Duck Stamp Contest started to rival the adult competition?

NRA Joins Appeal of District Court’s “Erroneous” NWR Decision

The National Rifle Association joined several other organizations to appeal an erroneous decision of the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana, denying the pro-hunting organizations’ efforts to intervene in and defend the expansion of hunting opportunities on federal lands.

Court of Appeals Rules to Lift Federal Protections on Wyoming Wolves

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has ruled to lift federal protections that kept gray wolves an endangered species in Wyoming, reversing the order of a lower judge that had sided with environmental groups in 2014.

Oregon Hiker Killed in Suspected Cougar Attack

A hiker found dead near Mount Hood National Forest was killed in a suspected a cougar attack. If confirmed, wildlife officials said it would be the first fatal cougar attack in Oregon’s history.

USFWS Distributes More Than $1 Billion to States for Recreation Access, Conservation

Outdoorsmen and women are helping to provide more than $1 billion in 2019 to support outdoor access and wildlife habitat conservation nationwide.

Video: Badger Raids Duck Nest

Delta Waterfowl has planted several cameras at waterfowl nests this spring, and the latest video will both wow you and break your heart.

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