
How to Age a Whitetail

How can you tell the difference between a 2½-year-old buck and a mature 5½-year-old deer in those few tense seconds before you shoot or don’t shoot? Start by familiarizing yourself with the ever-changing features of the whitetail buck.

Essential Gear for High-Country Hunting

High-country hunters need topnotch equipment—but as little as possible.

Hunting Canada Geese in Manitoba

Scott Olmsted travels to Manitoba for Canada geese, mainly because every waterfowler worth his salty waders says you must experience such a hunt at least once.

The Beretta Dimension

Karen Mehall was in for a major surprise when she traveled to Italy for the epic unveiling of Beretta's mid-year hunting guns and gear.

Debunking 6 Deer Hunting Myths

The more deer hunting myths debunked the better. That's a fact. This is my attempt to take down hunting's overused cliches, one fact-less myth at a time.

America’s Best Rut Stand

Tweak your setup to fit different terrains by following this can't miss formula for choosing your spot during the rut.

How Bucks Use Terrain

Understanding how whitetails move through your hunting area during the rut is more important than patterning a particular buck or any other factor.

Most Scrapes Aren't Worth a Sit

Scrapes are basically “points of interest” along corridors that deer travel at night. Scrapes that draw daytime visits usually offer added attractions.

Summit's RSX Seat

The RSX Seat provides a comfortable, durable and waterproof seat for hunting all year round.

Whitetail Hunting Skills: Old School Basics

Here are some old school skills that are as important and valid today as they were when bread was a dime a loaf, and people got their news by reading a newspaper.

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