
The Myth: The .223 is too Light for Deer

I read somewhere that today’s premium bullets represent the greatest advance in big game hunting technology since the widespread use of the optical sight, and I agree 100 percent. Many of the myths that we face today are the product of outdated truth.

Hunting’s Greatest Threats

While some hunting threats are old battles that have raged for decades, others might surprise and even provoke you.

Five Best DIY Bowhunts In the West

If you have the ambition to launch your own bowhunt, the West offers the best in do-it-yourself adventure.

5 Early-Season Deer Stand Locations

For the most productive early season whitetail hunts, focus on these five hotspots.

6 Reasons Everyone Should Hunt

Safe, healthy, affordable—here are the top six reasons everyone should hunt.

The Good Old Days?

When I was young (how I regret that phrase), the old guys used to bore me with stories of how much better the hunting was, how much better the guns were, how much better—and simpler—cars and trucks were or even how much prettier the girls were when they were young. Now that I am among the old guys I am sometimes tempted to wax similarly. But was it really better 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years ago?

HSUS Misleading the Public Again?

Find out nine things you don't know about one the most notorious animal rights and anti-hunting organizations on the planet.

Trumped By the Truth

Frank Miniter gets to the bottom of the false allegations tied to an African safari involving Eric and Donald Trump, Jr.

Mallard Causes $45,000 in Damages to Private Jet

Penn State's University Park airport has developed a widlife hazard management plan that's due, in part, to a 2010 collision between a mallard and a private aircraft. Nobody was injured, but the duck managed to do a whopping $45,000 in damages to the jet—sure makes hitting a deer with your pickup seem not so bad, eh?

Overlooked Mountain Gobblers

You can find active birds in the mountains, where few hunters tread.

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