
Weatherby’s Monumental Move

Gunmaker, in business in California for 71 years, completes move to Wyoming.

Join the Hunt: Our New Mission to Recruit More Hunters

As NRA members and hunters, we have the responsibility to increase our ranks. Through our NRA memberships, we have all the resources needed to do exactly that. So what's stopping you?

2018-19 Federal Duck Stamp Now on Sale

The new 2018-19 Federal Duck Stamp is now available for purchase online, at many sporting goods and retail stores, and some post offices and national wildlife refuges.

Finding the Green Hills of Papa's Africa

Ernest Hemingway’s “Green Hills of Africa” is classic hunting literature. And while its pages have led many to follow the path of the hunter, the actual route of the safari Hemingway used as the basis for his story has, until now, remained elusive.

NRA Youth Education Summit Expands To Two Sessions In 2018

The NRA Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) is thrilled to announce that it is adding a second session of Y.E.S. in summer 2018.

Know-How: Let Elk Set the Pace for Calling

Equally as imperative as identifying when you need to run or walk when hunting elk is recognizing when to call without restrictions or with disciplined reservation.

First Light: Hunters for the Hungry

Did you know there are 13.7 million hunters in the United States alone, according the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation? Did you know that in 2015, 43.1 million Americans lived in poverty (13.5 percent of the U.S. population), and 42.2 million Americans lived in food-insecure households? The NRA’s solution? Start an initiative to assist in providing food to the needy by capitalizing on the millions of active hunters we have here in the United States.

New Oregon Regs Expand Dragnet on Poaching

Oregon’s Gov. Kate Brown signed two new laws to help curb poaching in the state.

First Light: Our Gun Taxes Pay For It

True story: Your tax money does so much good for wildlife and our sports that it is impossible to quantify in one magazine article.

MidwayUSA Celebrates 40-Year Anniversary

On June 18, 1977, MidwayUSA opened for business. Forty years later, the success of the company built by the couple that recently received the NRA Publications Golden Bullseye Pioneer Award speaks to an unwavering dedication to not only customers but also the Second Amendment.

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