
First Light: Going to Pot

Illegal marijuana ‘grows’ are sprouting up on public wildlands.

Wisconsin Hunter Credits Military Training to Survival of Wolf Attack

Army veteran Matt Nellessen tells his story to AH because, “if I’m getting ahold of anybody it’s gonna be the NRA.”

Where Mule Deer Hide

Mature bucks are different, but the places they look for on public land can be found.

Top 5 Things You Can Learn at the NRA Booth

Who doesn’t like the old Western “A Fistful of Dollars” starring Clint Eastwood? Well, if you’re on the NRA show floor this weekend, stop by the NRA booth for a fistful of facts!

Chasing Wolves: Day Three

The headline today is "Wrong Dog." Caleb and I checked his wolf trapline. He caught a coyote in a leghold trap designed for a wolf. In fact wolves frequented the area after the coyote was trapped. They might have given the lesser canine fits—but why they didn't kill it is a mystery. Anyway, we could tell there had been a ruckus.

The ‘Crimes’ of TJ’s Father

Old-timers tell great stories about their first deer. But what if the story of your first deer is a lie?

Michael Bloomberg Will Haunt You In The Afterlife

After his life as mayor of NYC, that is. Certain of his place in heaven, he announced plans to spend $50 million to spread his anti-gun arrogance across America.

Is It Safe to Hunt in Mexico? (Part 1)

NRA's John Zent faces the foremost question on the minds of Americans contemplating a hunt in Mexico.

Are .22s Untraceable?

To hear one of Jeff Johnston's favorite (non-fiction) TV shows tell it, .22-caliber bullets can't yield forensic data. The BullShooters couldn't help but take a closer look.

Anti-Hunters Cry Foul, but Rhino Auction Benefits Species

Anti-hunters may not like the idea, but one animal dying to save the species is a small price to pay for conservation.

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