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The Man Who Changed a Tire in My Decoy Spread

It was an oddly warm January day on the Eastern Shore—in fact there were gnats in the air—but after a long, mid-day lull, the geese were back on the move.

Anti-Hunter Fires Shotgun at Wisconsin Duck Hunters

Did the charges brought against this anti-hunter fit the crime, and what kind of message does it send to other potentially violent 'animal rights activists?'

States Look to Ban PETA's Spy Drones

According to USSA, Illinois has already passed a drone prohibition, while Alabama, Tennessee, New Jersey and Hawaii are considering similar laws.

New NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Social Media Campaign Gains Traction at SCI Convention

As news of the NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum Web portal on spreads at the 44th Annual SCI Hunters' Convention, Feb. 3-6, American hunters get set to chime in and influence the conversation in the public domain on hunting and wildlife conservation and proactively address the cultural war on hunting.

Why Everyone Should Embrace Elephant Hunting

Many people, including hunters, don't like the idea of elephant hunting. But they should not insist others agree with them so long as the activity is legal and does not harm the resource.

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum National Symposium Showcases Political Action in Defense of Hunting's Future

Promoting a broader awareness of NRA’s activities on behalf of hunters, the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum (HLF) National Symposium in Fairfax, Va., Nov. 3-5, addressed the evolving hunting demographic and the critical cultural challenges facing hunting and wildlife conservation in the 21st century.

Coyote Hunting: Who's To Blame

When a journalists wades into the predator hunting issue that has people riled, she tries to figure out who to blame. But perhaps she should be figuring out who to t

Michigan Youth Drops 12-Point Albino Buck with Crossbow

Gavin Dingman, 11, beat the odds when he shot this extraordinary albino deer on Monday.

Three Things Scarier Than Halloween

Jack-o'-lanterns may be something to fear, but not doing these three things will scare me all year!

The Top 7 Things I Learned from SCI Leadership at the 2015 Convention

Today's working press luncheon at the annual SCI Convention served up some positive energy as SCI President and CEO shared food for thought.

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