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Another Reason to Quit Smoking

According to some veterinarians, it's bad for your dog.

What's Your Dog Thinking? Dog Brain Scan Revealed

I doubt anyone who's owned a dog hasn't occasionally wondered what the dog is thinking. Dogs are an emotive species, with ample facial muscles to show fear, anger, excitement and even joy (have you ever owned a dog that smiled?).

5 Mature Buck Myths Debunked

According to deer biologists, there are many misconceptions associated with mature buck behavior. We talked to a wildlife biologist with the QDMA to help bust five of these commonly-held myths.

Treestand Falls: Deer Hunting’s Most Common Accident

Despite the widespread availability of safety equipment, it happens every year: Hunters are severely injured—or worse—falling from treestands. Don’t become another statistic.

CWD Found in Mississippi

The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks has confirmed a positive result for a deer tested for chronic wasting disease. Reported to the MDWFP in January, the deer from Issaquena County is the first to test positive for the disease in the state.

How Much Do Coyotes Affect Deer Populations?

How much do coyotes affect deer populations? Wildlife biologists are now finding some astonishing answers.

Trophy Hunting is Good for Conservation, Says IUCN Report

The April 2016 report from the International Union for Conservation of Nature is a must read for hunters as the global organization showcases research touting the positive conservation impact of trophy hunting.

Do Bucks Go Nocturnal, or Just Leave?

Did this happen to you this past hunting season? Before opening day you found a really good buck using your trail cameras, so you set stands, were all a-twitter—then never saw him again all season. Did you think you did something wrong, and forced him to go nocturnal? Maybe—but probably not.

5 Keys to Rattling

Haven't had the best luck with rattling in the past? Well, hang in there, keep cracking and remember these five keys. Your rattling luck will soon change.

The War On Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies

While attacks on the Second Amendment are all too common in today’s politically charged climate, advocates fighting for our right to self-defense and the right to bear arms now have a powerful new tool in The War On Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies, the latest book by John R. Lott Jr.

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