JTH Armed With Conservation Lead

Join the Hunt: Armed with Conservation

In our zeal to teach hunter-recruits marksmanship and fieldcraft we must not forget to arm them with the knowledge of everything American hunters have done to conserve our natural resources. A well-armed hunter, after all, is our best advertisement.

Firearm Industry Surpasses $14 Billion in Pittman-Robertson Excise Tax Contributions

Firearm and ammunition manufacturers have topped $14.1 billion in contributions to the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund since its 1937 inception.

Join the Hunt: When The Spirit’s Right

The moment a hunter encounters a curious spirit is an ideal time to influence a future educator, leader and voter. If we remain prepared for these opportunities, we can take advantage of them.

Why Your NRA Works to Open Sunday Hunting Nationwide

Despite the fact hunters are the greatest source of revenue for the great outdoors, we still face restrictions on Sunday hunting in 11 states. The NRA-ILA continues to push for standardized regulations every day of the week to protect our right to hunt and our ability to affect conservation goals.

NRA Reopens Public Range Fund

Established in 2009, the NRA Public Range Fund is a grant matching program that encourages city and county governments, along with state or federal agencies, to work with NRA to build and improve public ranges across the United States.

2021: The State of American Game, Thanks to America’s Hunters

Through the remarkable vision of conservationists including NRA members, Americans today see wildlife thriving from sea to sea.

10 Reasons to Become a Hunter

Do you know a family member, friend or neighbor who may consider joining the hunt? Here’s a long list of reasons that may convince them to do so. Pick the one that fills the bill then watch the drive to hunt kick in after the pursuit begins.

4 Reasons Why You Should Book Your Dream Hunt Now

If you’ve been considering booking a once-in-a-lifetime hunt, there’s never been a better time than the present. Here’s why.

Going Renegauge on Early-Season Ducks

Savage’s new high-performance shotgun earns its wings in the heart of pothole country.

America’s Conservation Enhancement Act Passes Congress

The U.S. House of Representatives built off the historic passage of the Great American Outdoors Act by passing America's Conservation Enhancement (ACE) Act on a voice vote, making this Congress one of the most impactful for sportsmen and women in a lifetime.

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