One Dog to Rule Them All

If you haven’t the space, finances nor stamina to keep two hunting dogs—one that points, and one that flushes and retrieves—then get in line for a versatile hunting dog.

First Light: Let it Snow

It was around 9 a.m., and a dozen or so birds had decided that they’d make a close enough pass at our decoy spread to elicit a volley. I’d loosed two shells when my concentration was broken by something thumping down into the reeds beside me.

The Little Gun That Could: 20-Gauge Mossberg FLEX 500

Just how much gun do you need to take down a black bear? Probably not as much as you might think—so long as you know what you're doing.

March's True Madness

This month many waterfowlers are more interested in BB loads than college BB teams. That's because the Light Goose Conservation Order creates a spring waterfowl season rifle with opportunities to bag birds—if you’re mad enough, that is.

How to Turkey Hunt Safely

FACT: Coming home is more important than coming home with a gobbler.

Honeymoon Hunt: Hawaii’s Bucks of Paradise

His wife wanted to visit Hawaii after their wedding, and they lived happily ever after when he discovered the hunting opportunities for free-range axis deer on the island of Lanai.

Field Tested: Chief Upland Over/Under Hunting Vest

The whistle rang in my ears as the Vizsla wheeled on cue. No pheasant there. The lack of a bird didn’t dim her spirits, however, as the dog’s excited bounce belied. Onward she ran, down row after row of stiff sorghum stalks in pursuit of her prey.

Elephant on the Galana

An elephant license and 50 miles along the Galana River to hunt Kenya’s famed elephant country were pretty special back in 1970.

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