
Travails of the Traveling Hunter

Make your life easier by knowing the rules for traveling with a firearm.

Southbound Teal

The arrival of September means a lot of things, not the least of which is the opening of teal season. Are you ready?

Buck Fever

It's unlikely that anything stirs more hunters across America than the opening day of whitetail deer season—a day that leaves many with "buck fever."

2012's Top 10 Gifts for Hunters

It's time of year once more: The holidays are upon us. With most seasons in full swing, there's not a lot of time for hunters to go shopping—so we're going to help you out. Have a fellow hunter or two on your shopping list this year? Here are 10 Christmas gifts that any hunter would be happy to unwrap in 2012.

A Wild Game Christmas

A selection of holiday wild game dishes from Georgia Pellegrini.

From the Cookbook: Stuffed Wild Goose

If you're looking to cook something different for the family, look no further! This stuffed wild goose recipe is just the ticket.

Brunton Eterna 3X-9X-40mm

The Brunton company first became known for its sophisticated "Pocket Transit" compass, but has branched out into a number of other directions—including the riflescope business.

An American Legacy

American Legacy Firearms rolls out the limited-edition NRA shotgun as it nears the home stretch in its quest to donate $1 million to the NRA.

Hunt Bucks as Individuals

Using his personal property as a laboratory to study individual buck behavior, the author has made some eye-popping discoveries. Even if the area you hunt is nothing like his, his findings might help you better understand your quarry.

The Hot Ticket in Winter

Nail the weather forecast and find the food to make the late season great. Here’s what you need to pull a big buck out of the bare woods this month.

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