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Using Predator Control to Manage Waterfowl

Delta Waterfowl president Rob Olson weighs in on the effectiveness of controlling predators to increase hatch success.

What To Do With a Spooked Buck

We occasionally spook the bucks we are hunting, but knowing what to do after they’ve split is one of the most important decisions of the season.

Most Scrapes Aren't Worth a Sit

Scrapes are basically “points of interest” along corridors that deer travel at night. Scrapes that draw daytime visits usually offer added attractions.

Elephant on the Galana

An elephant license and 50 miles along the Galana River to hunt Kenya’s famed elephant country were pretty special back in 1970.

Taking Stock of 2011 and What Is to Come

It's time to take stock of all the things we've learned thus far, and set our sights on what we hope to accomplish in the new year.

How to Make the Most of Late-Season Geese

For the resident goose hunter, the season goes on, but tactics must change for continued success.

A Slug Gun for the Shotgun Hunter

Most hunters have a selection of shotguns, each for a specific season. But what about one-shotgun hunters that still want a slug gun? Are they doomed? Not today.

Swarovski 8x30 CL

Measuring only 4.75" long and weighing only 17 ounces, the CL is a superior binocular in a compact package.

Do Bucks Go Nocturnal, or Just Leave?

Did this happen to you this past hunting season? Before opening day you found a really good buck using your trail cameras, so you set stands, were all a-twitter—then never saw him again all season. Did you think you did something wrong, and forced him to go nocturnal? Maybe—but probably not.

8 Cliché Dog Names

A gundog spends years as your go-to hunting buddy—so picking a name is no small task. If you want to be original, stay away from these common and cliché options.

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