The philanthropic women of the NRA turned the Marriott in Louisville, Ky., into quite the "powerhouse" yesterday as the NRA Women's Leadership Forum (WLF) hit the scene for its 10th Annual NRA WLF Luncheon and Auction during the 145th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits, May 20-22. Their mission: to infuse new enthusiasm, new excitement, new leaders and new opportunities into the fight for Second Amendment freedoms.
The power and energy generated by NRA's WLF comes at at a critical time as the media refuses to tell the truth about everything—from dishonest leadership to the threat of terrorism, our culture of hatred toward law enforcement and the continued encroachment of American freedoms. At the pre-event reception, attendees were quick to recognize the NRA as the greatest champion of personal freedom in American history and that it must lead. And talk of the "NRA Is Freedom's Safest Place" national television campaign was front and center.
Fittingly, the event included the Pledge of Allegiance led by NRA's First Lady Darlene Cors and remarks from NRA WLF Co-Chairs Susan LaPierre and Janet Nyce. NRA CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre also addressed the coalition, emphasizing, "What you're doing here really matters. The NRA Women's Leadership Forum is a landing place for women all over the country who are involved in the NRA—a huge engine saving American freedom."
The event featured the presentation of the 2016 NRA Women's Leadership Forum Lifetime Achievement Award to Suzie Brewster of Oklahoma in recognition of a lifetime of exemplary service in support of the Second Amendment. Member of the NRA Women's Leadership Council and NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum, Brewster is the only woman to have been awarded both the NRA Sybil Ludington Freedom Award (2003) and the Diana Award (2011) in recognition of her accomplishments in the international hunting and wildlife conservation arena.
As for the luncheon's live auction, it certainly put the "fun" in NRA fundraising. Items up for bid included hunting trips from pheasants in South Dakota to sable in South Africa and an elk hunt with Smith & Wesson CEO James Debney; an electric guitar autographed by country music's Miranda Lambert; original artwork; firearms; a dude ranch experience in Colorado; and Tom Selleck's watch commemorating the 100th episode of CBS' "Blue Bloods."