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Three Killer Broadheads to Take Afield in 2025

Three broadheads that won't let you down when that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity occurs.

Must-Have New Broadheads for 2017

A bevy of new broadheads are taking flight this year. Here are a few that are more than worth your time.

Rage Announces New Turkey Broadhead

Rage has announced a new broadhead that's designed specifically for turkey hunters. The Rage Turkey Broadhead features a new cut-on-contact tip with a pair of Meat Hooks that are meant to inflict maximum lethal damage, while slowing the arrow enough to anchor your bird.

Rage Broadheads Releases Hypodermic Trypan

Rage Broadheads has helped change opinions about the effectiveness of mechanical heads. It has a strong following in the archery world and in 2017 has gone a step further in design by building a ferrule out of titanium.

2016 ATA Show Kicks Off in Louisville

Like a Kentucky Derby race horse, this outdoor editor plans to be the first out of the gate to check out this year’s new bowhunting and archery products.

Cutting Edge Broadheads

Broadheads, like bullets, are the only objects that actually impart a hunter’s deadly will on game, so their selection, quite literally, is vital. When the arrow leaves the bow, a hunter puts full trust in his broadhead, and because of this, few products arouse such emotion, loyalty and suspicion.

Must-Have Offseason Range Gear

Want to stay sharp this offseason? Here are a few products that'll keep you on point throughout the summer.

3 Best Broadheads for Whitetails

Having trouble deciding on a broadhead for whitetail deer? Ten experienced bowhunters told us their go-to broadheads, and we compiled the results.

Rage Broadheads

In the process of testing the Barnett Ghost 400, I’ve had a couple of opportunities to hunt urban deer with a depredation permit. It’s been difficult to find time to go hunting, with family obligations and the extreme heat that has been plaguing the country this year. The few times I have been able to climb in a stand, I have come up with a big zero.

The Rage X-Treme Broadhead

There is a lot of debate on whether mechanical broadheads can do the job of fixed blades. Doug Howlett put one of the most popular to the test.

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