5 Rules For Public Land Elk Hunting Lead

5 Rules for Public Land Elk Hunting

Public-land elk hunting challenges even the best hunters. Success requires an understanding of the unit and property owners within, plus all the terrain throughout that might support a herd.

How to Unlock Overlooked Elk Country

Thanks to changes in elk behavior due to land use, development, human encroachment and more, the elk we hunt today do not behave as the species did in our granddaddies’ days. Here’s how to zero in on modern habitat where elk seek refuge, and how to hunt it.

Is a Wilderness Hunt For You?

Wilderness hunters are few and far between, but with careful planning and preparation you can be one of them.

8 Tips for a Successful DIY Elk Hunt

The most successful DIY elk hunters are those who are intimately familiar with the quarry’s habits and employ different strategies, depending on the situation. Here are eight tips that will increase your odds of tagging a bull on public land.

How to Tag a Bull Elk on Public Land

Sure, odds are best on private holdings and limited-entry units. But you can tag a bull elk on public land—here’s how.


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