LEDE MH A Family Tradition Keith D Johnson

Member's Hunt: A Family Tradition

Back in December of 1959, the Model 99 at the heart of this story cost my mother $85.25. It has become a wise investment in precious metal, walnut and stories that cannot be traded for any amount. 

Kansas Blast and Blast: Deer and Ducks in the Sunflower State

Our man in the field tags out on a stud of a buck, before finding out there's more to Kansas than just the deer. 

Penn. Town Hall Addresses Crop Damage and Wildlife

A town hall meeting on Jan. 9 at the 109th annual Pennsylvania Farm addressed crop damage caused by deer and other wildlife.

Latvian Legacy Energizes a Wisconsin Deer Camp

Immigrants who escaped socialism after World War II founded a deer camp in west-central Wisconsin that endures today through shared Latvian bloodlines. Today, Latvian remains the camp’s primary language, but English litters half the conversations. Most conversations concern deer and deer hunting, same as they always have in Wisconsin.

The Story of ‘Stickers’

A free-range buck so big that a family devoted their entire season to hunting him.

Hunter Drops Unique Antlered "Deer"

A hunter in Illinois has taken what may be a true hermaphroditic deer.

Ohio Deer Season Starts Better Than Others in the Last Decade

Hunters across Ohio checked 26,667 white-tailed deer on Monday, Dec. 2 during the opening day of the weeklong gun hunting season, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife.

Ohio Youth Hunters Check 10,449 Deer in Two Days

Hunters ages 17 and younger checked 10,449 white-tailed deer during Ohio’s youth gun hunting season—Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 16 and 17—according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife.

How to Hunt the North Woods Without Snow

In the North Woods, when no snow covers the ground, you won't see deer by any hunting method unless you first find woods with sign. The most successful hunters here, regardless of the weather, are adaptable.

Tips for Moving Your Stand During Deer Season

Hunt long enough and you’ll encounter the need to move a deer stand during the season. Here are some tips for the best ways to do so.

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