The guide is now available for use by practitioners working in the fields of hunting and shooting sports to aid their efforts in recruiting, retaining and reactivating (R3) hunters, target shooters and other outdoor recreationists.
The Outdoor Industry Association’s Outdoor Foundation recently released “2023 Special Report: Hunting”—with survey results from 2022—includes information on participation, motivation and demographics.
A hunter detained in the Turks and Caicos over ammunition forgotten in his bag was given a fine and a suspended sentence earlier today, allowing him to finally leave the island.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) announced in May that firearm and ammunition manufacturers have handed over more than $17 billion in excise taxes to the Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund since its 1937 inception.
On June 6th, Vermont hunters gained the permanent right to use suppressors in the field when Gov. Phil Scott signed House Bill 878 into law, thus removing a sunset provision installed in Senate Bill 281 in 2022 that temporarily legalized their use.