KH Prepping For All Day Sits Lead

Deer Hunting: Preparing for an All-Day Sit

Sometimes, successful hunting demands staying in the woods from dawn until dusk. Here’s how to survive stand hunting’s biggest challenge.

Why You Need to Know Your Whitetail Neighborhood

Knowing all you can about the habitat the local deer herd calls home is critical to understanding their patterns, knowing where to place stands and how to plan and adjust for the coming hunting seasons.

Summit Announces Featherweight Hang-On Stands and Bracket System

Summit has announced the release of its Featherweight and Featherweight Switch hang-on stands and Switch Receiver bracket system.

How to Stay Warm on Stand in the Late Season

If you’ve ever sat in a treestand in the late season, you know it can get bitter-cold. Here’s how to keep warm so you can comfortably stay on stand in even the coldest temperatures.

Know-How: Smart Plans for Rut Stands

To have the best chance at seeing a buck, you must stay in step with the rut's three basic phases when choosing where to place your stands and which days to hunt them.

Know-How: Make Your Treestand Disappear

Elevation is one way to ensure deer hunters remain undetected in a treestand. To truly disappear from a deer's field of view, follow these tips, too.

Know-How: Withstand the Stand

When temperatures fall and the elements are against you, it’s tempting to pack it in. To hang in there during nasty weather, try these creature comforts.

Know-How: Stands to Burn

Good whitetail hunters will tell you to find entry and exit routes to stands that are low-impact. That’s wonderful advice, but adhering to it takes a lot of great stands off the table. Look for stands to burn in the pre-rut.

Deer Stand Burnout: Can You Avoid It?

While we know to hunt our treestands with discretion, knowing how much is too much is the key. Before we blow our cover, research sheds light in time for fall.

Should You Move Your Stand?

During the whitetail rut there are two schools of thought when it comes to hanging stands.

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