Large Black Bear

Fatal Bear Attack in Arizona

A man building a home south of Prescott, Ariz., was attacked and killed by a black bear on June 16.

Wyoming Hunters Take a Step Back to Support Wildlife

The "Let a Deer Walk," program was founded to incentivize hunters to band together and take the 2023 season off in Wyoming, in order to give the herd a chance to recover.

Join the Hunt: Now is a Good Time to Deal with Death

Sooner or later all hunters “have a moment” while hunting. It’s a good bet a new hunter will experience one the first time he takes a head of game. That possibility makes now a good time to prepare him for the emotions that may come this fall.

5 Books Every Hunter Should Read

From great adventure stories to detailed how-tos, these five books will help shape the way you hunt. Read, learn and enjoy: They are good teachers.


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