Ballistic Coefficient For Hunting Lead

Ballistic Coefficient: Why It Matters for Hunting

A detailed look at ballistic coefficient and how it applies to the hunter’s choice of projectile.

Know-How: Making Sense of Ballistic Terms

Two measurements are thrown around quite often regarding bullet performance: sectional density and ballistic coefficient. Understanding these two terms gives hunters an advantage when it comes to bullet performance beyond the barrel.

Make Sense of Ballistic Coefficient

Richard Mann offers a crash course on understanding ballistic coefficient.

Boots on the Skyline: Hunting B.C. Red Goats

Waiting until one's 60s to hunt mountain goats in British Columbia’s Spatsizi Wilderness may not be ideal, but it's better than not going at all. Read John Zent's story of a successful "red goat" hunt.

Q&A with Hunting Guide Rachel Ahtila

Ever wondered what it's like to be a hunting guide? Rachel Ahtila, a guide from British Columbia, talks about guiding, guns and her hunting aspirations.


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