
Katie Couric’s Bias Fosters Antis’ Culture War

The culture war being waged by America’s anti-gun, anti-hunting, anti-freedom movement America in this country is part of a culture only want one thing: our complete and utter destruction.

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Leads Fight for a Vital American Freedom

As part of the organization’s 150-year stewardship of shooting and hunting, the NRA in 2016 created the Hunters’ Leadership Forum to push against the demonization of hunting.

Arizona May Ban Big-Cat Hunting

Arizona hunters may no longer be able to take mountain lions or bobcats, as SB 1182, a bill drafted by Arizona State Sen. Steve Farley (D-Tucson), seeks to end the hunting of the big cats. Backed by a fine of no less than $8,000, and potentially much more, the bill, if passed, would make mountain lions and bobcats a “protected” species.

NRA Offering Experienced Hunter Education Course Online

In preparation for the upcoming hunting season, your NRA is offering a free online Experienced Hunter Education Course in a convenient, engaging platform available through desktop, tablet or smartphone.

NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum Supports Hunters for the Hungry Programs

The NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum (HLF) is pleased to announce a new level of support for Hunters for the Hungry (HFH), including the creation of a $50,000 fund available to affiliates throughout the country.

HLF Member Spotlight: Don & Susan Kriley

Luck is the lady, as they say—particularly in the Kriley household—as this couple hunting dedicates both time and personal resources to preserving our cherished American freedoms.

NRA-ILA’s Susan Recce to Receive Prestigious Outdoor Life Open Country Award

National award hails Reece’s 40-year track record of fighting for sportsmen’s access to public lands.

California Doctor and Avid Hunter Speaks Out, Highlights Critical Threats to Hunting in a State Fueled by Anti-Hunting Extremists

Facing increasing threats to hunting from anti-hunting extremists, San Francisco Bay-area doctor Arnold Goldschlager calls state's hunters to pressure Gov. Brown to fill the two vacancies on the Fish and Game Commission with pro-hunters.

SCI to Address Recent Listing of African Lion Under Endangered Species Act

With the recent listing of the African lion on the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service now requires American hunters to obtain an import permit for a lion taken on or after Jan. 22. If you’ve booked an African lion hunt or had planned to do so at the SCI Show this week, be sure to attend SCI's special info session on Feb. 6.

American Hunters Present United Front at SCI Convention

Don't miss the special Friday session at the 2016 SCI Hunters' Convention as hunters work together to save hunting's future.

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