
Have Gun, Will Hike for Food

A backpack hunt in northwestern Namibia affords the author and his party an up-close-and-personal view of life in the bush.

5 Reasons to Book an African Plains Game Safari Now

Here are five reasons why you need to book an African plains game hunt now.

How to Prepare for an African Safari

Well, you’ve done it; you’ve taken the plunge and booked your African safari. Your passport is secured, flights are booked, and your rifle is sighted in and ready to rock. But what comes next?

Bullets for African Plains Game

You’ve probably heard that African dangerous game can absorb five hits from an Abrams tank and keep on charging. You’ve probably heard that kudu, eland, wildebeest and even impala are so tough from evading lions and leopards they’ll soak up bullets that would floor a North American brown bear. Nonsense.

The Namibian Non-Typical

Iconic species oceans apart share interesting similarities.

Black Death, Bad-Breath Close

Hunting with a handgun forces you to get close. But when pursuing Cape buffalo, how close is too close? Your life may depend on knowing the answer.

Top 8 Bullets for African Plains Game

Let’s take a look at some of the best bullets for African plains game on the market.

Double Time

Zimbabwe’s Sengwa River may have dried up, but a Cape buffalo hunt along its banks provides meat to quell rumors that the game populations of the Chirisa Safari Area have dried up along with it.

Boers, Big Bullets and Buffalo

Big-bore lever-action rifles have the ammo capacity, dependability and speed to be considered ideal African dangerous-game rifles, as long as you do your part.

Dream Hunt: How to Make an African Safari Come True

An African safari is surprisingly affordable if approached correctly. Here’s how to make your own dream hunt in Africa come true.

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