Supreme Court Equal Justice Under Law

Unanimous Win for Your NRA at the Supreme Court

In a rare unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of your National Rifle Association in the First Amendment case NRA v. Vullo.

Brownells Resumes Shipment of Standard Capacity Mags to California

In the wake of a ruling by a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Brownells has resumed selling its full lineup of rifle, pistol and shotgun magazines to California customers.

Pennsylvania Governor Reverses Course, Reopens Gun Stores Amid COVID-19 Crisis

At the urging of several of the state's Supreme Court justices, Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf backtracked on a portion of his Coronavirus-related emergency shut down order yesterday, allowing gun stores to reopen, albeit under severe restrictions.

8 Indicted for Poaching Ohio Whitetails

A grand jury in Galia County, Ohio, indicted eight on multiple felony charges, including the poaching of whitetail deer and the theft of deer meat.

Supreme Court Grants Certification in Second Amendment Concealed-Carry Case

Today the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear an NRA-backed case challenging New York’s restrictive concealed-carry-licensing regime.

Court of Appeals Rules to Lift Federal Protections on Wyoming Wolves

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has ruled to lift federal protections that kept gray wolves an endangered species in Wyoming, reversing the order of a lower judge that had sided with environmental groups in 2014.

Hunting Magazines and Shows to Remain Legal

United States v. Stevens resulted in a big win for hunters, trappers and any American who values his freedom of speech.

Washington Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Appointment Violated Law But Governor Doesn’t Care

The Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation presented oral arguments to Washington Supreme Court.

Why an Alaskan Moose Hunter’s Supreme Court Win Matters

The fact the U.S. Supreme Court chose to hear one hunter’s case out of thousands of petitions and ruled against federal overreach is refreshing in an era when federal bureaucrats often push the limits of their statutory authority.

NRA Challenges ATF Brace Rule

Your National Rifle Association has announced the filing of an NRA-backed and supported lawsuit challenging the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' (ATF) unlawful rule on stabilizing braces.


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