LEDE MUCC And MTPCA File Legal Briefs In Lawsuit Against Natural Resources Commission

Lawsuit Claims Emotion Drove the Decision to Limit Coyote Hunting in Michigan

On Sept. 6, Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) and the Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association (MTPCA) filed legal briefs in their lawsuits against the Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC).

Narrowing the Field: .22 LRs for Hunting

Choosing a .22 LR load for varminting, small-game hunting and/or pursuing predators shouldn’t be done haphazardly. Each option is unique. We detail how to find the right one for you.

Effective Hand Calls for Predator Hunting

Hand calls shouldn’t be relegated to the dust bin just yet. Unlike an electronic call, a couple of calls around your neck provide an inexpensive, lightweight and simple-to-master orchestra of sounds on a predator hunt.

Why Weather Starts Every Conversation in Coyote Country

Sparkling sunshine, rainfall, snowstorms and particularly the wind all play a huge role in picking the location and hunting strategy of every setup.

How to Use Decoys for Predator Hunting

Once upon a time predators raced to the sound of a call. Back then hunters needed nothing more to attract their attention—but these days you could use some help. Learn why modern hunters depend more than ever on decoys to help suck in coyotes and other predators.

Essential Gear for Predator Hunting the West

The West is a great place to hunt predators, but expect longer shot distances, open terrain and stronger winds. Update your gear so it’s prepared to meet the challenge.

How to Hunt Coyotes in Low-Visibility Conditions

If you’re left with nothing to show from your last couple of predator hunts, key on these environmental factors to hunt coyotes in low-visibility conditions.

Top 5 Predator Cartridges

While there are many great predator cartridges to choose from, these practical choices rise to the top.

Nebraska Mountain Lion Lottery Application Period is Nov. 1 - Dec. 8

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will accept lottery applications for mountain lion permits Nov. 1- Dec. 8, 2021, for the 2022 hunting season.

Coyote Population Booms in Florida

Coyotes have inundated south Florida to such a level that Broward County Parks, along with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, held an online coyote seminar this spring on dealing with coyotes.

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