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Do Cuteness and Deer Hunting Mix?

Here's the quesiton: Do cuteness and deer hunting mix?

My New Dream Buck

So, over the past few months I've been blogging here and there, covering quirky whitetails stories and holding trumped up contests to get your attention.

Making My Hit List, Checking it Twice

So, I'm sitting here at my desk staring at an almost totally blank piece of paper with the words "Hit List" sketched out across the top.

Five Questions To Answer Before Deer Season

In less than five days every hardcore Maryland archer will be in his stand when the sun breaks the skyline.

The Largest Whitetail on Record?

The video below features a buck named “Free Agent” that is said to be the largest whitetail on record. Battle Ridge Whitetails, a deer breeding operation in McConnellsburg, Pa., is home to this behemoth that is likely worth six figures.

Making Sense of Scents

Using scent is common during the rut. Many of my buddies swear by various forms of doe-in-estrous scents and would probably be more comfortable on stand if they forgot their rangefinder than their favorite scent.

Full Moon: Good or Bad?

Are you the kind of buck hunter who believes that the full moon absolutely destroys your chances of shooting a good deer?

Should You Move Your Stand?

During the whitetail rut there are two schools of thought when it comes to hanging stands.

How to Hunt Suburban Coyotes

Gas prices are up and the stock market’s down. Most of us are on a tight budget, but want to find some good hunting close to home that won’t push the fuel tab into three digits and keep us away from family and other obligations for days on end.

Pros & Cons of Decoying Predators

Decoys have become a large part of many predator hunters’ bags of tricks in recent years. Here are some pros and cons to using them.

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