
ScentLok Offers Masks for Everyday Wear

As the recommendations to socially distance and wear cloth masks in public continue around the nation, ScentLok has begun offering masks to do its part to help "flatten the curve."

LaKota Products Supplies PPE To Hospitals and Care Facilities

Lakota Products, sister company to TrueTimber, has spent the last two months capitalizing on its supply chain, manufacturing and sourcing capabilities to deliver much-needed PPE products to hospitals and care facilities across the United States.

COVID-19 Spurs Conservation Funding With Gun, Ammo Sales

Federal excise taxes collected during record spring sales months benefit hunting, shooting and wildlife management.

NRA Announces New Dates for 150th Annual Meetings & Exhibits

The NRA 2021 Annual Meetings and Exhibits will be held Sept. 3-5, 2021. Originally scheduled for mid-May, the event will remain in Houston, Texas at the George R. Brown Convention Center.

2020 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits Canceled

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has released the following statement regarding the 149th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, scheduled to be held April 16-19 in Nashville, Tenn.

Remington Offers Facility in Ilion, NY, to Help State Fight COVID-19

The CEO of Remington Arms, Ken D’Arcy, says the company’s plant in Ilion, NY could produce various medical supplies if New York governor Andrew Cuomo requests aid from the company.

Firearm Background Checks Break Records Amid COVID-19 Concerns

March saw 3.7 million background checks conducted, the most since the system was created in 1998, fully eclipsing the previous record of 3.3 million set in December 2015. Announces Top-Selling Firearms for March 2020

Here at American Hunter, we have reported on the skyrocketing number of gun sales that occurred this March, as well as the similarly rising number of new gun owners. Wonder what these folks are buying?

NSSF Announces 2021 SHOT Show Cancellation

Due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases throughout the world, the NSSF has announced the cancellation of the 2021 SHOT Show.

COVID-19 Antibodies Found in Wild Whitetail Populations

Yes, you read that correctly. COVID-19 appears to have hit even our cherished woodland.

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