
Hoppe's Launches Lead-B-Gone Cleaning Wipes

Hoppe's new Lead-B-Gone Skin Cleaning Wipes are designed to lift and trap lead, nickel, cadmium, arsenic, silver mercury, zinc, chromium, copper, antimony and other metals without smearing.

NRA Victory on Lead Ammunition

In December 2014, Congress approved the Fiscal Year 2015 Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act. Included in the act were a number of pro-gun provisions pushed by NRA-ILA that prevent the Obama administration from implementing its anti-gun agenda.

Barnes: 25 Years of Drop-Dead Reliability

Editorial Director John Zent looks back at the 25-year lifespan of the Barnes X-Bullet.

HSUS Attempts to Drive Hunters, Shooters from Public Lands

NRA and other conservation organizations call for Interior Department to reject lead-ammo ban petition; Hornady urges hunters and shooters to take action.


Of all the sub-chores in the cleaning process, removing bullet-metal fouling is the most tedious and ornery.

Buckshot Size

Use different sizes of buckshot for varmints and deer.

Shot Pellets in Meat

Can shot pellets found in wild game cause lead poisoning?

Leading the Way: Barnes Bullets

With all the hype about non-lead projectiles these day, here’s a look at how and why Barnes’s engineers created the monolithic X Bullet, and the improved copper bullets that have followed.

Lead for Glocks?

Can you shoot lead bullets in a Glock, and is it safe to do so? The BullShooters investigate.

Can a Gun be Too Dirty to Shoot Straight?

The Question: “Why is my .22 ‘Key holing’?” A good friend sent me that query via email recently. It seems that his Walther P-22 was sending bullets tumbling downrange with each pull of the trigger.

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