
Roadkill Officially on the Menu in California

Giving the word "scavenger" a whole new meaning, California has recently joined 28 other states in legalizing the collection of roadkill for consumption.

California Statewide Lead Ammo Ban Goes Into Effect July 1

Effective July 1, 2019, certified non-lead ammunition is required when harvesting any game with a firearm in California.

Video: Bear Relaxes in Hot Tub, Drinks Margarita

Summer is the time to kick back, relax and enjoy a cold margarita—whether you’re a human or a bear.

Video: Mountain Lion Crashes Through Window, Lands on Woman

A California woman had a close call earlier this month when a big cat came crashing through the window of her suburban home.

NRA Victory on Lead Ammunition

In December 2014, Congress approved the Fiscal Year 2015 Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act. Included in the act were a number of pro-gun provisions pushed by NRA-ILA that prevent the Obama administration from implementing its anti-gun agenda.

SCI Challenges California Mountain Lion Import Ban

Safari Club International files suit in U.S. District Court to reverse 1990 decision made via voter initiative.

California Officials Kill Aggressive Mountain Lion

California's something of a hotbed for mountain lion sightings. If you recall, a few weeks ago, I shared the video of a cougar taking an early morning stroll through the Hollywood Hills suburbs. Earlier this week, a family a run-in of their own with one of the big cats in nearby Orange County—and the result was substantially scarier.

Calif. Hound Ban Fuels Lowest Bear Harvest in Decades

As we reported in late 2012, California passed a ban on hunting bears with hounds. Now we learn that the effects of its implementation were felt immediately.

California Bans Hunting with Hounds

Let this serve as a reminder of what we're up against: "Animal rights" activists have banned hunting bears and bobcats with hounds in the state of California.

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