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NRA Files Amicus Brief in Challenge to California’s One-Gun-Per-Month Restriction

Your NRA has filed an amicus brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Nguyen v. Bonta. Nguyen is a challenge to California’s law prohibiting the purchase of more than one firearm within any 30-day period.

NRA-Backed Constitutional Carry Introduced in Florida

Once signed into law, more than half of the nation will recognize this fundamental right. 

NRA Files Suit to Keep Public Lands Open

The NRA-ILA has partnered with SCI, Sportsmen’s Alliance Foundation, and RMEF and filed motions to dismiss a lawsuit challenging the USFWS decision to expand hunting and fishing opportunities.

Why Your NRA Works to Open Sunday Hunting Nationwide

Despite the fact hunters are the greatest source of revenue for the great outdoors, we still face restrictions on Sunday hunting in 11 states. The NRA-ILA continues to push for standardized regulations every day of the week to protect our right to hunt and our ability to affect conservation goals.

Supreme Court Grants Certification in Second Amendment Concealed-Carry Case

Today the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear an NRA-backed case challenging New York’s restrictive concealed-carry-licensing regime.

Kimber Partners with NRA-ILA in Donation Match Campaign

The firearms maker has generously pledged to match up to $200,000 in donations made to NRA-ILA through Nov. 15.

What It Takes to Pass Sunday Hunting

Historic legislation passed in Pennsylvania allowing hunters to pursue game on specific Sundays. But the road to get there was littered with its fair share of hurdles. We learned firsthand what had to happen to make Sunday hunting a reality for Keystone State sportsmen.

Pennsylvania Sets First Sunday Hunting Dates in 337 Years

Thanks to the 2019 enactment of Sunday hunting legislation, Senate Bill 147, hunters may take part in America’s oldest tradition seven days a week.

NRA-ILA Joins Colorado’s Stop the Wolf Coalition

The NRA supports the state’s professional wildlife managers over ballot-box biology of animal-rights extremists.

2020 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits Canceled

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has released the following statement regarding the 149th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, scheduled to be held April 16-19 in Nashville, Tenn.

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