Summer Chores For Fall Food Plots Lead

Summer Chores for Great Fall Food Plots

Some earnest work right now on a summer food plot can yield dividends this fall. Here’s how to plant for certain times of fall, consider predominant winds, stand locations and more.

Food Plots: Proof Hunters Care About America's Wildlife

Aside from drawing more deer to your fields, food plots provide habitat and nutrition to a wide variety of animals, and the whole system benefits.

10 Steps to a Successful Food Plot

Spring has arrived, and the time to start planting food plots that will benefit wildlife is now. Follow these 10 straightforward steps to ensure the best possible results.

Food Plot Tips to Bring in Your Best Bucks

Hunters shouldn’t try to compete with farmers. You are not trying to grow crops in perfect rows in a large field. You are looking to bring in a buck you want to shoot in daylight. This means creating one or more food plots that bucks feel comfortable feeding in or cruising into as they search for does during the rut, during daylight.

Quick Ideas for Summer Food Plots

These organic deer magnets can attract and hold whitetails in an area where they otherwise might not stay for long.


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