KH Prepare To Meet A Predator Lead

Know-How: Prepare to Meet a Predator

Thanks to conservation efforts and sometimes over-the-top protective measures, predators are expanding their range across North America. Here’s what to know, what to carry and what to do should you come face to face with fangs and claws.

North Dakota Hunter Prevents Mountain Lion Attack

Gary Gorney, of Minot, N.D., was pheasant hunting in the Custer Mine area near Garrison, N.D. on Dec. 26 when he shot and killed a charging mountain lion.

Teen Saves Brother from Cougar

With the cat only 12 yards away, and much closer to her brother, 16-year-old Amaya Simpson nocked an arrow and fired. The cougar is the first animal she’s taken with her bow, which she tunes herself.

Oregon Hiker Killed in Suspected Cougar Attack

A hiker found dead near Mount Hood National Forest was killed in a suspected a cougar attack. If confirmed, wildlife officials said it would be the first fatal cougar attack in Oregon’s history.

Nebraska Approves Mountain Lion Hunting Season

After a five-year hiatus, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has approved a mountain lion hunting season for 2019.

One Lucky Day

Friday the 13th turned out to be the best day in January to hunt a Utah cat with a Ruger revolver.

Are Eastern Cougars Breeding?

Until someone runs over Bigfoot, no roadkill will equal the fame achieved by a 3-year-old male cougar that got SUV’d in June 2011 near Milford, Conn., on the Wilbur Cross Parkway.

Lion Hearts

Decades of lion-hunting experience runs through the veins of the Mecham family of Utah.

Arizona May Ban Big-Cat Hunting

Arizona hunters may no longer be able to take mountain lions or bobcats, as SB 1182, a bill drafted by Arizona State Sen. Steve Farley (D-Tucson), seeks to end the hunting of the big cats. Backed by a fine of no less than $8,000, and potentially much more, the bill, if passed, would make mountain lions and bobcats a “protected” species.

Hunter and Hounds Avenge Victim of Cougar Attack

A 4-year-old girl is lucky to be alive after being attacked by a cougar during a family camping trip just east of Rexburg, Idaho.

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