MAINUSFWS Logo And Bullet With Slash Through It

NSSF Condemns USFWS Proposed Ammo Ban

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has condemned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Proposed Rule that would ban lead ammunition on 48 new distinct hunting opportunities across approximately 3,000 acres of National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs). 

California Statewide Lead Ammo Ban Goes Into Effect July 1

Effective July 1, 2019, certified non-lead ammunition is required when harvesting any game with a firearm in California.

Leading the Way: Barnes Bullets

With all the hype about non-lead projectiles these day, here’s a look at how and why Barnes’s engineers created the monolithic X Bullet, and the improved copper bullets that have followed.

NRA Victory on Lead Ammunition

In December 2014, Congress approved the Fiscal Year 2015 Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act. Included in the act were a number of pro-gun provisions pushed by NRA-ILA that prevent the Obama administration from implementing its anti-gun agenda.

Is Lead Ammo Dead?

The traditional projectile has been under attack of late.

Lead for Glocks?

Can you shoot lead bullets in a Glock, and is it safe to do so? The BullShooters investigate.

Lead Core vs. Monometal Hunting Bullets

There’s no doubt that copper monometal bullets are here to stay. But are they so good that they warrant abandoning lead core ammo altogether? We take a look at the pros and cons of each style.

Departing USFWS Director Dan Ashe Issues Lead Ammo Ban

Just one day before President Trump's inauguration, departing U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe—and the administration that appointed him—took one last shot at American hunters by issuing Director's Order No. 219, which directs the USFWS to expand the use of nontoxic ammunition and fishing tackle on USFWS lands, water and facilities—and for certain types of hunting and fishing regulated by the Service outside those areas—to the fullest extent by January 2022.

NRA Halts Proposed Lead Ban

Thanks to the help and support of gun owners across the nation, the EPA has denied the petition to ban lead ammunition.

Barnes: 25 Years of Drop-Dead Reliability

Editorial Director John Zent looks back at the 25-year lifespan of the Barnes X-Bullet.

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