
Know-How: Walk Away to Small-Game Hunting

If competition for big game like whitetails and elk has you questioning the sanity of arising early, just walk away from it … and into the uncomplicated life of hunting small game.

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Squirrel Hunting

If you’re too busy to spend an afternoon chasing bushytails, you’re simply too busy. Here are five reasons why you should invest more time in the squirrel woods.

How to Hunt Rabbits Without Dogs

Hounds certainly help the cause of the rabbit hunter, but you don’t need a pack of beagles to score big on this abundant game.

Member's Hunt: ‘Thanks for the Gun’

This latest Member's Hunt comes from Richie Edgington of Stanford, Ky.

7 Squirrel Rifles for Every Budget

Here are seven tried-and-tested rifles ranging in price from less than $500 to $1,300.

Small Game and More: Late-Late Season Hunts

The big game seasons may be done, but that doesn’t mean we have to shut down our 2017-18 hunting. Between now and when spring gobblers officially call in a new hunting year, most states still have opportunities on the books, maybe more than you thought.

Escort Introduces .22 LR Rifle

Already well-known for their line of shotguns, Escort has added a new bolt-action rifle to its firearm lineup.

Primary Lessons of Spring’s Squirrel Woods

A squirrel hunt in the spring woods rekindles memories of lessons learned long ago, when almost every dad and every son chased bushytails.

Narrowing the Field: .22 LRs for Hunting

Choosing a .22 LR load for varminting, small-game hunting and/or pursuing predators shouldn’t be done haphazardly. Each option is unique. We detail how to find the right one for you.

Why Small Game is the Key to Hunter Recruitment

Allowing someone to tag along while you chase squirrels or rabbits may be the simplest, most effective way to recruit new hunters.

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