One And Done Black Bear Hunt Lead

A One-and-Done Black Bear Hunt

A dog hunt for an Arizona black bear with a magnum wheelgun proves you can’t pack too big a punch.

Tips for Hunting Early-Season Bucks

Contributor Mike Roux gives readers some early-season buck-hunting tips to get on the board fast.

How to Make a Mineral Lick

According to wildlife biologists, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and salt may enhance antler growth in bucks. Therefore, adding a few mineral licks on your property couldn’t hurt. The good news: It’s cheap and easy.

Tips and Tactics for Bowhunting Mule Deer

Mule deer don’t have regular patterns like whitetails, making them more challenging to take with a bow. Try these tactics to increase your odds of success this season.

Gundogs: Summer Fitness

Want a bird dog that'll run like the wind all day? He may have all the hunting drive in the world, but he won't last long if you take him hunting without getting him in shape first.

10 Whitetail Myths Debunked

We investigate 10 commonly held beliefs about deer behavior and separate facts from folklore.

Finding the Green Hills of Papa's Africa

Ernest Hemingway’s “Green Hills of Africa” is classic hunting literature. And while its pages have led many to follow the path of the hunter, the actual route of the safari Hemingway used as the basis for his story has, until now, remained elusive.

Gundogs: Beware the Burs

If you run a big, hairy dog, you know the drill after days afield: long hours spent untangling weeds, sticks and burs from the matted coat of your hunting companion. Follow these tips to make the chore easier.

Can You Hunt With It? AK-47

Is the most popular military rifle in history worth a ruble in the woods?

Lion Hearts

Decades of lion-hunting experience runs through the veins of the Mecham family of Utah.

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