
Watch: Conservation Officer Has Up-Close Encounter with Trapped Mountain Lion

North America's biggest cats are elusive beasts and, as such, not a lot of folks have ever had an up-close and personal encounter with one. The same can't be said for at least one Utah conservation officer, based on the video we've embedded here.

HSUS Dupes Donors in Favor of Bankrolling Attacks on NRA and American Hunters

Sorry pet shelters: This new video from HumaneWatch.org shows how the HSUS would rather spend chunks of its $140 million budget to try and label American hunters as murderers and ban hunting ammunition in efforts to shut down hunting.

Video: The Wonders of Winter Turkey Hunting

Winter turkey hunting? You'd better believe it.

Honorary Chair Richard Childress Invites You to National Hunting and Fishing Day

For 45 years, Congress has recognized the fourth Saturday in September as National Hunting and Fishing Day—and that tradition will continue on Sept. 23, 2017. NRA Second Vice President and Honorary NHF Day Chair Richard Childress is encouraging outdoorsmen and women across the nation to join in on the festivities by pledging to take someone hunting, fishing or shooting between now and Saturday.

Video: NRA’s Chris Cox Marks Hunters’ Call to Action

Both in content and delivery, this is a must-see video as NRA-ILA’s Chris Cox addresses American hunters in the do-or-die fight to save hunting at last week’s SCI show.

African Experience: Episode 18

Learn what an “own use” elephant permit is, and how this vital conservation tool used by Namibia’s game managers benefits elephants, their habitat and the native people who share that habitat alongside big game.

Watch: NRA Names Mossy Oak “Official Camouflage Pattern of the NRA"

American hunters now have the opportunity to don their support for the long-term preservation of our hunting heritage and outdoor lifestyle with the new NRA-exclusive Mossy Oak Overwatch camouflage pattern, unveiled at the 2019 SHOT Show in Las Vegas.

Video: Hunters as Conservationists in Africa

The monies hunters spend and the controlled management of the game they take help many African species thrive.

Video: Pronghorn Conservation

Frank Miniter of America’s 1st Freedom explains the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and how it benefits pronghorn antelope.


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