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Your Dog's Worst Fear: The Cone of Shame

A few days ago, my springer, Freedom, had minor surgery. Nothing serious. He basically had a wart removed from his left front leg. And all was going just fine, that is, until the veterinarian uttered the words dreaded by both man and dog: "We've fitted your dog with a cone, which he'll need to wear for the next two weeks."

Tracks Tell a Tale

Everybody makes a bad shot once in a while. If you haven't, you probably haven't been hunting a long time. When you do make a bum shot on a game animal, you have a responsibility to track that animal down and finish it.

Why You Sit All Day

It’s that magical time of year, with bucks chasing does and all Hell breaking loose in places that, for much of the year, can seem like a moonscape for their lack of deer activity. This is when every second on the stand is so important.

Does Rice Kill Birds?

What does rice-tossing at weddings have to do with hunting? Perhaps nothing.

Pronghorns on Sunday

Not every state allows Sunday hunting, which made Assistant Editor Jon Draper's Wyoming pronghorn hunt all the more memorable.

Top 5 Most Horrifying Signs of Duck Depression

Are you primed for a severe case of Duck Depression? Here are five early symptoms to look out for, straight from renowned expert Kyle Wintersteen.

In Memoriam of J. Guthrie

NRA editors and contributors share some of their fondest memories of outdoor writer J. Guthrie, who passed away on April 12, 2013 at the age of 37.

When Guided Hunts Go Wrong

No hunt is perfect, but there's a difference between "that's why we call it hunting," and a truly bad experience—especially when you're working with an outfitter. But what do you do when a guided hunt goes wrong? Keith Wood offers some advice.

Hunt Club Safety

Many years ago I was involved in hunting clubs that allowed several different people to hunt the same large tract of leased land.

Barbecued Alligator

Are you in gator country, or at the very least close enough to get your hands on some meat? If so, Georgia Pellegrini's got a finger-food recipe you'll definitely want to roll out at your next gathering.

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