
How to Successfully Debate Anti-Hunters

Debating an anti-hunter can quickly become a lesson in futility if you don’t have your arguments in order. Our author passes on a few tricks learned from a recent seminar on the topic.

How to Talk About Hunting

In 2021, ‘Join the Hunt’ will provide—thanks to the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum—research, tips and talking points to teach hunters how to talk about hunting’s positive impact.

European Hunters Score Victory in EU

The European Parliament voted favorably on Amendment 24 to the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, modifying language that could have been used to ban the trade and import of wildlife species legally hunted in Africa and elsewhere outside of the EU.

SCI Continues to Monitor UK’s Animal Welfare Proposals

Safari Club International (SCI) strongly opposes many of the proposals in the current animal welfare Action Plan being considered in the United Kingdom (UK), proposals which are unsupported by scientific evidence and will harm wildlife conservation efforts inside and outside of the U.K.

Why Hunting Affirms Americans’ Values Toward Animal Welfare

Americans’ attitudes about hunting exist across a continuum of acceptability from animal rights to animal welfare to “dominionism.” Understanding this continuum is crucial to communicating our mindset as hunters and why hunting fits the American landscape now and into the future.

Dos and Don’ts When Talking About Hunting

You wouldn’t go hunting without proper preparation; likewise, it’s equally important to prepare to communicate effectively about hunting before you find yourself trying to defend it.

NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Leads Fight for a Vital American Freedom

As part of the organization’s 150-year stewardship of shooting and hunting, the NRA in 2016 created the Hunters’ Leadership Forum to push against the demonization of hunting.

Wild Game Meat Donation Month: Celebrating Hunters Sharing Their Harvest

It’s no secret the NRA has been a leading advocate of Hunters for the Hungry programs since the early 1990s. This November, we advance our advocacy and celebrate our creation of National Wild Game Meat Donation Month to inspire hunters everywhere to share surplus game.

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