Fenson Turley Waldorf Salad (8)

Recipe: Wild Turkey Waldorf Salad

Brad Fenson whips up a simple but delicious turkey salad, perfect for your springtime tom.

Discover the Alluring Gould’s Turkey of Mexico’s Sierra Madres

The tall Gould's turkey is the least-known race—and it offers one of the very best hunts!

Turkey Country: The Real Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Forget the gold; the true value of northwestern Mexico’s mountains lies in the Gould’s.

Silence Is Gould’s

A good setup and quiet patience trumps all when it comes to turkeys, even south of the border.

The Guthrie Bird

When his cherished hunting partner unexpectedly passes away, the author realizes the best way to honor him and keep his memory alive is to continue enjoying their most treasured pastime.


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